The only problem with AWS is that it is really versatile. It is packed with an ever-increasing number of services. Each of these services continues to...
Redis beyond cache · Search is a growing necessity for all applications. As data accumulates at a high volume and velocity, it is important that the rest...
A simple and effective tool to prevent a disaster in Prod. · It was 3AM on a Monday. The team had experienced a sleepless weekend, trying to dig into a...
Using K8s to develop Resilient Microservices · Kubernetes is a cool word to have in your Architecture Document, and hot on your CV. On Premise or on the...
Its more versatile than you thought! · Even today, a lot of developers think of JavaScript as something limited to the browser - made popular by hype. I...
The How & Why of migrating to AWS Cloud · Cloud is the way to go. And AWS is the most popular cloud service. So it is natural that everyone wants to...